Sunday, May 30, 2010

Accidental Low Self Esteem?

More times than not, low self esteem can come from something we aren't even realizing we are doing. Here are a couple of examples, and what to do instead!

Stop analyzing yourself in the mirror
When you stand and analyze yourself in the mirror, you are bound to find things you don't like about yourself no matter what you look like or what you think you look like. Instead of standing in front of the mirror analyzing yourself and finding all of the things you don't like, spend that time finding all of the things you DO like about yourself! It's ok to analyze yourself, but find the things you like about yourself instead!

Surround yourself with positive and supportive people
Pay attention to the attitudes of the people you hang around and how they treat you. Surround yourself and spend your time with positive and supportive people. Don't waste your time on those who make you feel bad about yourself or are insulting. Sometimes you might not even realize you're around those people, so make sure to pay close attention to how negative or positive they are, and their energy they are putting off! 

Have you ever thought about how much time you spend smiling versus frowning? When your smiling your more approachable and even feel better about yourself. When you smile, it actually sends a message to your brain that your happy! So even if it's a "fake" smile at first, it's still a smile and a good start! Of course this doesn't mean you have to have a constant smile on your face, but try to make an effort to smile when you can!

What kind of music are you listening to? 
|Pay attention to the type of music you are listening to and the lyrics. Without realizing it, you could be listening to songs with depressing or sad lyrics. Not only is this going to put you in a "down" mood, it's going to be sub consciously sending messages to your brain of how to feel. Choose songs on your playlist with more upbeat lyrics! :) You can still rock out to your favorite song even if it has depressing lyrics, just mix it in with other songs with positive lyrics! 

~All photos courtesy of Getty Images~ 

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