Thursday, February 25, 2010

Self Esteem & Confidence Tips

It’s easy to lose confidence in yourself or get low self esteem sometimes, but here are some tips that can help!

Make a “happy” playlist:
Make a playlist of your favorite songs that make you happy. Try and choose songs that have encouraging lyrics! When your having a down day turn on this playlist! Try not to listen to depressing songs all the time either, this puts you in a down mood.

Make a compliment list:
Make a list of all of the things you like about yourself, then tape it or hang it up somewhere that you will see it everyday! The best place to hang it is somewhere that you will see it before leaving your house for school in the morning (The bathroom mirror is actually a great place!)

Compliments instead of insults!
Replace personal insults with compliments or one of the things from you list ^^. Sometimes it becomes a habit to insult yourself without realizing your doing it. Try and break the habit by replacing any insults with a compliment or something you like about yourself!

Don’t doubt you who are
Always stay true to who you are and don’t doubt that. Don’t second guess who you are based on what others think!

Hang out with good people
Hang out with people that make you feel good about yourself and compliment you. Don’t waste your time on those who make you feel bad or make you lose confidence in yourself!

Take care of YOU
Remember to take care of yourself, and sometimes a little pampering doesn’t hurt! ;) Take bubble baths, eat chocolate occasionally, wear lotion that smells good, write in a journal, etc!


Hi everyone! Welcome to the Free to be Me blog. This blog is all about self esteem, confidence, health, fitness, fashion, and so so much more! Most of you have probably found this blog off of my website, but for those of you who don’t know me I’m Dani California. I’m a teen fashionista and actress that likes to express who I am through fashion, and I like to encourage others to do the same. Check out my website if you haven’t already:

Please feel free to leave comments! I am so excited to be introducing this brand new blog to you all :)