Friday, February 18, 2011

Coffee: Good or Bad?

This morning I had a terrible craving for coffee, but then I thought about it. Was it really such a terrible craving? Maybe not...In fact lately there has been research stating how coffee is actually good for you! So I went ahead and drank my 1 rare cup of coffee, and sat down to see what I could find on the benefits of drinking it. What I discovered was a lot of truth to the fact that coffee can indeed be beneficial to your health!

After reading various articles, I found that coffee has shown to decrease the risk of certain diseases and conditions. Although, it’s not proven to prevent these conditions, there is solid evidence showing that that coffee has been known to decrease the risk of Parkinson’s disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer. It has also been linked to lowering the risk of dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease, as well as meditating depression.

In continuing to research further, I saw that drinking coffee can be beneficial, but “all things in moderation”. The benefits of coffee are dose related, so downing numerous cups of coffee a day probably won’t do much good. (Other than staining your teeth.) It’s also important to pay attention to what you are adding to your coffee. Itself it doesn’t have many calories, but when you add in the extras such as milk and sugar, this is when it can start adding up.

As I was reading, I was curious as to what the opinions are on children drinking coffee. What I read is that
“It's better to limit their caffeine intake. They'll get caffeine in other things -- chocolate, sodas, but particularly in kids, it's linked to attention problems and hyperactivity, so it's better to avoid it.”

In the end, as you imagined, there is a catch. Not a big one of course, the good still outweighs the bad in this case, but it’s important to get all the facts, right? The first fact is that caffeine increases urine production. (A.K.A - Be ready to pee more than usual) Next, is that regular and decaf coffee both contain acids that make heartburn worse. Meaning as good as that coffee may sound, if you have a heartburn, it probably isn’t worth it. Lastly, keep in mind that caffeine can become addicting, once again, it’s important to drink in moderation!

All in all, I was happy to see that my coffee this morning was definitely not a terrible decision! It looks like the more scientists are learning, research is leaning on the side of it being good for you. So cheers! Sit down, relax, and enjoy your cup of joe.

Bauer, Joy. "Buzz or Bunk? 5 Coffee Myths - TODAY Health." Today Show Health. 2011. Web. 17 Feb. 2011.

Phillips/CBS, Dr. Holly. "The Truth About Coffee - Good For You? Bad For You? Dr. Holly Phillips Addresses Myth And Reality." CBS News. 18 Aug. 2008. Web. 17 Feb. 2011.

Osterweil, Neil, and Laura J. Martin MD. "Coffee and Your Health/Health Benefits of Coffee." WebMD. Web. 17 Feb. 2011.

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