Friday, October 1, 2010

Respect, Replenish, Refresh

From the time we are little we are taught the word RESPECT. My elementary school even had an entire week dedicated to this word. During that week, and throughout life, we are taught to respect others, peers, friends and family members and this is heavily enforced. What isn't as heavily enforced or talked about as much though, is that it's just as important to respect yourself and your body, as it is to respect others!

Photo credit: Getty Images
Respecting your body means treating it responsibly, talking kindly to it, meeting it's needs, listening to it, and taking good care of it. Sadly and not surprisingly, most are more willing to treat their dogs with more respect than themselves; you take them for walks, feed them, bathe them, and talk kind to them. Would you ever imagine telling your dog that they are "fat" or that you "don't like the shape of their arms or legs"? (Paws in this case? You get my point) Of course not so why would you say this to yourself?

Take the time to nourish, replenish, and refresh your body. Exercise, eat healthy, and take time for yourself! Here are a few suggestions to things you can do to take care of yourself and fulfill your "me time" :)
  • Exercise (Did you know that when doing any strenuous exercise such as running, your brain releases chemicals called endorphins which can block sensations of pain and produce overall feelings of euphoria?) 
  • Take a bubble bath
  • Write in a journal
  • Meditate
  • Eat healthy (Stock your pantry and fridge with healthy meals and snacks that you can look forward to eating!)
  • Listen to, or create, a happy playlist filled with songs with motivating and upbeat lyrics
  • Read a good book (Sometimes an escape to a different place is just what you may need!)
Whether you choose to do some of these things, all of these things, or none of these things, remember that you are beautiful inside and out and you deserve to be taken care of by yourself and by others!

"Never violate the sacredness of your individual self-respect."  ~Theodore Parker

"Respecting yourself means listening to your body and emotions continuously.  Then acting beyond a linear logic to achieve ones goals."  ~Author Unknown 

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